Sunday, September 18, 2016

Zoo Field Trip

Today, we had the opportunity to speak to Jodi Carrigan, Ivan's keeper at the Zoo Atlanta.  What did you learn about Ivan at the zoo that you did not know before?  What was the most interesting thing about the field trip?

Only use your FIRST NAME in blog posts.

Type in your comment, then click on COMMENT AS: and choose Name/URL

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Virunga Park Rangers

Do you think that Park Rangers in Virunga National Park should risk their own lives to protect the lives of the animals that live in the park? You must support your opinion with a reason. Remember that you must write using capital letters and correct punctuation.  You may comment on your friend's opinions.

Only use your FIRST NAME in blog posts.
Type in your comment, then click on COMMENT AS: and choose Name/URL