Sunday, September 4, 2016

Virunga Park Rangers

Do you think that Park Rangers in Virunga National Park should risk their own lives to protect the lives of the animals that live in the park? You must support your opinion with a reason. Remember that you must write using capital letters and correct punctuation.  You may comment on your friend's opinions.

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  1. I think park Rangers should protect and risk their lives for mountain gorrilas because the mountain gorrilas and other are almost extinct and if the get extinct it will mess up the food chain.


    2. jk i know everyone cares about them

    3. I don't agree with you Atlas because the park ranger's families are going to be sad if they found out their family was dead.

    4. Well you have to remember there specially trained for this job.And yes it is dangerous they offered to do it

  2. Rangers should help protect mountain gorillas because they might be extinct soon. Also they will help prevent the animals be safe instead of getting killed.they also protect nature.

  3. I think they should risk there lives to save gorillas because they will save animals that are more scarce than humans.

  4. I think that park rangers should risk there lives to protect the animals in the park because once there were thousands of mountain gorillas and now there are only about 880 left. If park rangers do not risk there lives then species will die out. That's why I think park rangers should risk their own lives in order for the mountain gorillas and other species to live.

  5. Yes it very brave to proctect gorilas and your kinda protecting a family .

  6. They need to protect the animals but they also need to protect themselves. They should have safer conditions for the Rangers. They should not do this if they and their families are in danger.

    1. well if there not there the area would be long gone from oil drills
      wile i think it is a dangerous job but you have to remember that they're especially trained for this job and they wanted to do in the first place so I'm Half with you and half against you with this one.

      hugs Ella

  7. I think park rangers should risk their lives so the mountain gorillas do not go extinct.They should do this to help and protect the gorillas from pochers
    and to just help them live.

  8. Rangers in Virunga National Park should risk their lives to protect the animals.
    Some of the animals are on a thin line of I've to extinction. Companies are intruding into Virung. The companies are destroying the animals' habitats to get oil.

  9. I think they should risk there life so they can stop the extinction of animals. They do not have parents and they take care of them. there are only 880 left in the world!

  10. I think park rangers should risk their lives for mountain gorillas because
    the gorillas will be safe and not die or mess the food chain up and be in good hands.

  11. I think so because they believe in the gorillas' cause; they are willing to sacrifice themselves for the gorillas' sake. Even though they have a choice, they are taking a heroic path by laying down there lives for a common cause and enforcing international law, and protecting a old yet very pretty national park. I salute the rangers.

  12. Rangers should risk their own lives to help Mountain Gorillas because they protect nature and the food chain will mess up without the Mountain Gorillas.They will help gorillas be safe instead being killed.

  13. I think the park rangers should risk their lives for the wonderful mounted gorillas because if all the mounted gorillas get extinct then there will be no more mounted gorillas so you will not get to see any wonderful mounted gorillas

  14. I think they should because their are only 880 mountain gorillas left in left in the world.

  15. I think that Rangers should risk there life's to help mountain gorillas because they might become extinct and they struggle so much to protect the gorillas and mountain gorillas there are only a small amount left of them

  16. I think park rangers should risk their lives and protect the mountain gorillas because they are almost extinct. There are many pochers out there so park rangers are stopping them. Thank you park rangers.

    1. yes adya you are correct thank you park rangers

  17. I think park rangers should risk there life so they can protect the lives of the animals that live in the park.

  18. I think they should do it so the mountain gorilla will not die off and it would mess the leopards up because they are used to eating the gorillas and then the leopards would die off so then 2 animals will become extinct

  19. I think Park Rangers should risk their lives for mountain gorillas because there are very few of them left in Virunga National Park. The population of mountain gorillas has decreased because of all the wars destroyed their habitat. Also, Poachers kill many mountain gorillas. So I think Park Rangers should risk their lives to save mountain gorillas.

  20. I think that Park Rangers should risk their lives to protect mountain gorillas because there are very few of them still living in the wild and it is possible for them to get extincted. Even though they are risking their lives they are helping animals that are not being protected. Park Rangers are risking their lives but are also protecting the food chain and nature.

  21. I think Park Rangers should risk their lives for the gorillas,because the park rangers love the the gorillas,the parents of the gorillas love their kids and the gorillas are going to be extinct.

  22. I think the park rangers should risk their lives because gorillas are going extinct and their are only 880 left in the world!!

  23. I don't think the park rangers should risk their lives for the animals because the animals lives matter the same amount as the park rangers.Instead the park rangers can ask the lawmakers to change the laws of people being able to kill the gorillas.

  24. I don't think park rangers should risk their lives for the animals because the animals lives matter the same amount as the park rangers. Instead the park rangers can talk to the lawmakers and tell them to change the law of people being allowed to kill the animals.

  25. I do not want mountain gorillas to go extinct because people around the world love them. I think park rangers should not have to risk their lives to protect gorillas because the rangers lives are more important. That is their choice to protect the gorillas and they are heroes.

  26. I do not want mountain gorillas to go extinct because people around the world love them. I think park rangers should not have to risk their lives to protect gorillas because the rangers lives are more important. That is their choice to protect the gorillas and they are heroes.

  27. I do not want mountain gorillas to go extinct because people around the world love them. I think park rangers should not have to risk their lives to protect gorillas because the rangers lives are more important. That is their choice to protect the gorillas and they are heroes.

  28. I think park rangers should risk their lives because if mountain gorillas become extinct then the whole food chain would mess up and no animal would be able to live much longer in the gorilla food chain and many other food chains if they go extinct.

  29. I do not want mountain gorillas to go extinct because people around the world love them. I think park rangers should not have to risk their lives to protect gorillas because the rangers lives are more important. That is their choice to protect the gorillas and they are heroes.

  30. I think that the park rangers should risk their lives to protecting the mountain gorillas because they are almost extinct. If they were to die out it will mess up the food chain. The Jaguars that eat the mountain gorillas will also die out because they won't have any food to eat.

  31. i think that there should be people to guard the pleasure so that way the mountain gorillas have a place to stay. If there weren't guards guarding the area it would probably be deseest. Regarding the fact that it is a dangerous job it keeps the gorilla safe and that's what counts.And that is my opinion.

  32. I think that the park ranger should risk their lives for the Mountain Gorillas,because they are endangered species.There are only (estimated)880,Mountain Gorillas left.

  33. I think that the park rangers should risk their lives to protect the animals. The reason is they are brave people that made a choice to help the animals which I respect. Many of the animals in the park are almost extinct and would be extinct without the protection of the rangers.

  34. I think the park rangers should risk there lives because they choose to risk their lives for the animals.Also humans started the mess we should clean it up then.

  35. I think that the park rangers should risk their lives for the Mountain Gorillas because, there are endangered species.And there are only 880 of them left in the world!!:((

  36. Yes, I do think that Park Rangers should risk their lives to save mountain gorillas. This will help protect them from poachers and extinction in the wild. Rangers will take care of the gorillas so they can be happy with their families and stay safe in their habitat.

  37. Yes, I do think that Park Rangers should risk their lives to save mountain gorillas. This will help protect them from poachers and extinction in the wild. Rangers will take care of the gorillas so they can be happy with their families and stay safe in their habitat.

  38. Yes, I do think Park Rangers in Virunga National Park should risk their lives to protect the mountain gorillas. This will help the gorillas from becoming extinct and also protect them from being killed by people who want to sell them or make them pets.

  39. It was very cool to see MRS. Caragin my favirot part when we lear from MRS. Carangid that Ivan like blonds.

  40. Today I learnd that Ivan liked yougert raisan in the book and in real life. My favorite part was when we went to see the pandas
