Sunday, September 18, 2016

Zoo Field Trip

Today, we had the opportunity to speak to Jodi Carrigan, Ivan's keeper at the Zoo Atlanta.  What did you learn about Ivan at the zoo that you did not know before?  What was the most interesting thing about the field trip?

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  1. Something I learned new about Ivan is
    1. Ivan had a little tykes piano
    2. Kinyani went to the Columbus zoo
    3. Ivan had friends and not so friends at the zoo

  2. My most favorite part about the field trip is getting to meet Ivan's most favorite keeper because it was amazing learning more about Ivan. I learned that Ivan got pushed around by the girl gorillas.

  3. Hi , I learned lvan was a very gentle gorilla and whenever he had a stuffed animal he was very gentle with it and he would be so gentle and if you gave a another gorilla a stuffed animal it would tear it up. My favorite part of the day was when we got to meet Jodi carrigan because it is so cool to meet lvan,s keeper

  4. Something that I learned when I was at Zoo Atlanta about Ivan that I didn't know is he had 21 babies and that he lived longer than other gorillas.The interesting thing I learned at Zoo Atlanta is that there was a North American tortoise that can borrow holes for itself and other animals!

  5. Something I learned about Ivan was that he had 4 girlfriends at one time. The most interesting thing about the field trip was seeing the elephant trying to get hay or grass or something out of a sack.

  6. The thing I learned about Ivan that I did not know before is that he was not the oldest gorilla in the world. I thought the best part of the field trip was when Jodi Carringon talked to us about Ivan.

  7. I learned at Zoo Atlanta that Ivan's favorite color was red and my most interesting thing is that one of the animals took dust baths

  8. I learned today at Zoo Atlanta that Kinyani went to the Columbus Zoo,you will be missed Ivan and Kinyani.Another thing I learned today at Zoo Atlanta that Ivan was being bullied by two other girl gorillas and I was feeling extremely sad about that.Last but not Least I learned that Ivan is a very important Gorilla,beacause Ivan has a book about him and plus he was real so i was happy we went to the zoo.

  9. What I learned today at the zoo that I didn't know about Ivan was that Jodi Carrigan taught Ivan how to do his fingerprint on his paintings.The most interesting thing we did was talk to Jodi Carrigan about Ivan's life.

  10. I learned that Ivan was nice to his keeper. One time Ivan almost hit his keeper with a ball,but that was because the keeper was not nice. Also,the girl gorilla would push Ivan.

  11. What I learned at the zoo is that Ivan died of old age .What I also learned was that Ivan loved stuffed animals

  12. I learned so many interesting fact s about Ivan like Ivan's favorite color was red. I did not know that some of the female gorillas took a little power over Ivan because he didn't act like a silverback gorilla would really act. I loved when Jodi Carrigon told us about Ivan. It was an amazing field trip.

  13. What I learned today at Zoo Atlanta was that Ivan's favorite color was red.I also learned that Ivan was very gentle and loved his stuffed animals .I was very surprised when Jodi Carrigan taught Ivan how to do his finger print on his paintings.The funny part was when Ivan tried to throw a meatball at a care keeper. The most interesting part about this field trip is that Ivan did not like water so he used the dustbags to cover the water and then step on them.

  14. I learned from jodi Carrigan is that Ivan threw a me-ball at someone because Ivan didn't like him but something blocked it.

  15. What I learned today at Zoo Atlanta that I didn't know that Ivan's legal owners stated in the contract the Ivan's paintings couldn't be sold if it had his name. Zoo Atlanta slipped around that deal by donating paintings to charity.:):):) The most interesting thing was that we got to speak with a keeper of a world famous gorilla!

  16. What I learned today at the zoo that Jodi carigan taught Ivan
    to sigh his papers with his fingerprints on the drawings he

  17. I learned that Ivan died at age 50 and Jodi Carrigan was with Ivan for ten years . I also learned that one of Ivan's painting sold for 2,000 $!!!!!!

  18. What I learned about Ivan was that he had a little types piano and threw it at other gorillas. I did not know that he used chest beats to communicate with other gorillas. I also learned that the zoo keepers do a scavenger hunt for food with the gorillas. That must be fun. My favorite part about the zoo was watching the ecology show because we got to see a chinchilla and we got to touch a tortoise. I learned a lot about other animals and hope to have as much fun on my other field trips as I did on this one.

  19. Today I learned that Ivan’s favorite color was red which was why he used it in many of his paintings. I also thought it was interesting that Ivan had a little piano that he would play with and once he even threw it at Kinyani. Apparently Ivan was well rounded in the arts.thats what I learned and thout was most interesting from what i learned to day.

  20. What I learned today at zoo Atlanta that I didn't know before was that Ivan was not the oldest living gorilla. The most interesting part was when Jodi Carrigan told us that Ivan played a piano and drank juice out of a cup.

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. The most interesting part of the zoo was the gorillas. The gorillas were funny when they beat their chest. The old gorillas are really weird because they sit around like a lazy potato bag doing nothing. Something I learned is that Ivan threw a piano at Kenyani.

  23. The most interesting part of the zoo was the gorillas. The gorillas were funny when they beat their chest. The old gorillas are really weird because they sit around like a lazy potato bag doing nothing. Something I learned is that Ivan threw a piano at Kenyani.

  24. The unique thing that I learned about Ivan that I did not know was that Ivan through one me-ball at a zoo keeper that he did not like and that he did not have that many teeth when he arrived at the zoo because his owners spoiled him with a number of junk food. The zoo keepers had to boil the vegetables for Ivan to make him healthy at the Atlanta Zoo.

    The most interesting thing about the field trip was that goats have to digest salt, but the thing is that goats have to find minerals in the grass and some of the minerals have salt in them so they can eat.

  25. I didn't know that gorillas had several noises they make and I also didn't know that the make the animals there scavenger to get their food.Also I didn't know he had a piano that he through at a gorilla. And that Ivan through a me-ball at someone.

  26. What I learned at zoo Atlanta is Ivan was genital with toys & his favorite color is red.I think the most interesting thing at
    the zoo is the red pandas.

  27. I learned that Ivan the Gorilla's favorite color was red and I think thatb the most interesting part of the trip was watching the gorillas play with each other.

  28. Today one really interesting fact that stood out to me was that Ivan did not take the stuffing out of all the stuffed animals and that he was a really gentle gorilla

  29. What I learned today at Zoo Atlanta was that Ivan lived more than a regular gorilla should.I also learned who the oldest gorilla in Zoo Atlanta was.My favorite part was when she told us the funny stories about Ivan.My favorite story was when Ivan would chase the girls who teased him,around the park.It was hilarious.Well at least that's my opinion.

  30. What I learned today at Zoo Atlanta was that Ivan lived more than a regular gorilla should.I also learned who the oldest gorilla in Zoo Atlanta was.My favorite part was when she told us the funny stories about Ivan.My favorite story was when Ivan would chase the girls who teased him,around the park.It was hilarious.Well at least that's my opinion.

  31. Today at the zoo I learned that Ivan did not just like yougert raisins in the book he also liked them in real life.The most interesting part was when we went to go see the pandas. I love pandas.

  32. I learned that Ivan's favorite color is red ah would pick it every time he saw red paint.

  33. The unique thing that I learned about Ivan that I did not know was that Ivan through one me-ball at a zoo keeper that he did not like and that he did not have that many teeth when he arrived at the zoo because his owners spoiled him with a number of junk food. The zoo keepers had to boil the vegetables for Ivan to make him healthy at the Atlanta Zoo.

    The most interesting thing about the field trip was that goats have to digest salt, but the thing is that goats have to find minerals in the grass and some of the minerals have salt in them so they can eat.

  34. I learned that Ivan did like yogurt rasins just like he did in the book.
